Frenchay school proposals to go on display


A drop-in event takes place on Monday 15 January where proposals will go on display detailing how Frenchay Church of England Primary School could be enlarged.

With new housing being built in the area, we need to increase the number of primary school places which are available in Frenchay. The proposals include relocating the existing school from its current location to a new site on land that has been secured for education provision at the former Frenchay Hospital site.

The new school building would be larger than the existing school which does not have the capacity to meet the additional demand on school places that will be needed by September 2020.

Cllr Toby Savage, Cabinet Member responsible for schools, said: “As the population of Frenchay expands, we need to plan ahead for the additional demand on primary school places this will create by the start of the new school year in September 2020.

“In line with the local community’s aspiration to provide one school for Frenchay, the council has been working with the Department for Education and the Diocese of Bristol to draw up proposals for a new, larger building which can accommodate the additional demand.

“The drop-in event will provide local residents with the opportunity to discuss and comment on the draft proposals and ask questions about the project. Council officers, school staff and members of the governing body will be available to help explain the proposed scheme and I would encourage people to come along to find out more.”

The new school will be part-funded from financial contributions secured from the developers of the former hospital site. Additional funding would also need to be found, which could come from the sale of the existing school site and the sale of land at Malmains Drive in Frenchay. This land is no longer required for education purposes and the proceeds of any sale could be re-invested in the new school.

The proposals for the new project will be included in the 2018/19 capital programme report going to the February meeting of Cabinet.

The drop-in event takes place between 3.30pm and 8.30pm at Frenchay Village Hall, Beckspool Road, Frenchay BS16 1NU on Monday 15 January.

Comments can be submitted until Wednesday 24 January. Visit for details on how. There will be other opportunities to have your say on the project should the proposal to transfer the school to a new site go ahead.