Consultation on potential changes to adult social care fees and charges


We’ve launched a consultation to hear residents’ views on potential changes to the charges paid by people newly accessing the care system, who fully fund their own social care in the district, those with more than £23,250 in savings.

There would be no changes to the eligibility for care support; the changes would not impact someone living in a care home; and those who are already receiving a care support package will continue to do so under the existing arrangements.

The changes would replace three existing price bands for day care with a single cost and introduce an arrangement fee and annual charge for those who are able to arrange their own care, but who request that the council does this for them.

We already provide information about support for people in their own homes, known as ‘domiciliary care’, as well as the drop-in and day-care support available; and an increasing number of residents and their families are choosing to use that information to make their own arrangements. Around 100 new self-funding residents each year would be affected by the proposals, but those already receiving a service will not be affected while that continues.

More information about the consultation is available on the council website ( Following this process, residents’ feedback will be considered as part of the decision on whether to make any changes. If approved, the new arrangements would come into effect on 1 June 2020.

The key changes proposed would affect those who have not received any community-based services purchased for at least three months, who live at home or in Supported or Extra Care Housing and who are self-funders of their care, can fully pay for their care i.e. those assessed as having more than £23,250 in savings, not counting the value of their home. The services covered include domiciliary care (home care), attendance at day care services and mentoring services.

There are three changes proposed:

• New users of dementia, learning disability and specialist day care would be charged £96.30 per day.
• New purchasers of community-based services would be charged a £295 one-off arrangement fee and an annual charge of £75.
• Service users may also become eligible for a £295 fee if they decide to change providers (and ask the Council to arrange it) for a reason not related to their care needs.

Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health, Councillor Ben Stokes, said: “As a Council our priority is to support the needs of our most vulnerable residents. We spend over £100 million on adult social care each year, but we have an ever-rising population and with that comes increasing demand for support.

“Our services for adults currently support more than 5,500 residents every year, with 33,000 contacts, 4,500 assessments and 400 residential placements and these numbers are growing. To keep up with rising demand and costs, we have invested more money into the budget for adult social care, but demand continues to grow, putting continued pressure on that budget. We need to ensure we are delivering the best possible value for money so that we can focus our efforts and provide the care and support needed by our most vulnerable residents.

“Simplifying the system will make it easier to understand for residents who use it; and charging a transparent and fixed fee for arranging care for those who choose will allow us to focus our resources on those who most need our help and support. I look forward to hearing residents’ views on the proposals before we make any decisions.”

The consultation will run until 17th March 2020. We want to ensure that as many people as possible provide their feedback and therefore there are several ways you can take part:

• Completing the survey, which is available on our website, at:
• Completing a paper survey which will be sent out to everyone currently known to the council who may be affected by the proposed change. There will be a pre-paid envelope provided with the survey. The address to send these to is: Freepost Plus RTXL-YHGY-GSYS, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, Council offices, Badminton Road, Yate, BRISTOL, BS37 5AF.