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Protecting the personal safety of South Gloucestershire Council staff and councillors

Our staff and those elected to represent our residents as councillors, are committed to delivering the services local people need. As an employer and as...
A car and a van parked on a pavement

Yate man ordered to pay over £5,000 following abandoned vehicles offences

A Yate man has been ordered to pay a total of £5,363 in fines and costs after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him for keeping...
South Gloucestershire Council staff members, their families and supporters who took part in the Parkrun to raise awareness of the need for more foster carers in the district.

Park Runners highlight number of new foster families needed in South...

Fifteen runners took to part in the Pomphrey Hill Parkrun on Saturday 18 May, to highlight the number of foster families needed in South...

Active Travel Grants of up to £1,000 available to organisations that...

South Gloucestershire Council is offering grants of up to £1,000 to organisations with under 250 employees that want to increase the number of people...
The exterior of Badminton Road office in Yate.

Public to have more say in planning decision making

Residents will once again have the right to speak when councillors visit the sites of potentially controversial planning applications in South Gloucestershire. This follows...
The new Chair and Vice Chair of South Gloucestershire Council were elected by fellow councillors on 15 May

New Chair and Vice Chair of South Gloucestershire Council elected

Councillor Franklin Owusu-Antwi has been named as the new Chair of South Gloucestershire Council after being elected by fellow councillors at the meeting of...
A dropped kerb under construction

Driveway company ordered to pay over £33,000 following fly-posting, waste and...

BD Bespoke Driveways Ltd, a company trading from an address in Horfield in Bristol, has been ordered to pay a total of £33,284 in...
Councillor Claire Young and Councillor Ian Boulton

South Gloucestershire adopts a new Council Plan to make the district...

South Gloucestershire’s new Council Plan sets out its overarching strategy and describes a vision for the district to be a fairer and greener place...
Councillor Louise Harris with councillor Paul Hulbert from Dodington Parish Council and community volunteers.

Local communities take climate and nature action

South Gloucestershire Council is empowering nearly 200,000 residents to join a nature revolution by helping them develop community-led action plans. The council launched its pioneering...
Chris Jelf, Deputy Head at Little Stoke Primary School with pupils from the school celebrating Modeshift STARS 'outstanding' accreditation.

South Gloucestershire schools top national league table for sustainable and...

South Gloucestershire schools have been named top of the Modeshift STARS (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) league table for large local authority...
Left to right: Councillor Adam Monk, South Gloucestershire Council cabinet member for resources, Sally Higham (Chair Aequus), Sarah McQuatt (Head of Development, Alliance Homes) and Sue Scholfield (Managing Director, Vistry Bristol)

First energy-efficient homes ready for residents at Manor Gardens in Frenchay

The first energy-efficient homes at Manor Gardens development off Malmains Drive in Frenchay have been handed to social housing provider, Alliance Homes, ready for...
A cyclist at Thornbury High Street

Thornbury residents asked about travel in the town

South Gloucestershire Council is asking people who live in Thornbury to share their experiences of getting around the town. The council wants to understand any...
Tom Hill, Headteacher Designate for Lyde Green Secondary School; Will Roberts, CEO of CSET; Dave Baker, CEO of Olympus; Cllr Claire Young, Leader of South Gloucestershire Council; Cllr Ian Boulton, Co-leader of South Gloucestershire Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Schools; Richard White, BAM Project Manager; Colin Money, Office of the South West Regional Schools Director.

Construction underway and funding agreed to deliver new Lyde Green schools...

Work to deliver a new primary and secondary school in Lyde Green is underway after the final funding agreements and contracts have been signed...
A photo of a fire damaged area with hazardous electrics is attached.

Unlicensed HMO landlord fined over £3,800

A Filton landlord has been fined over £3,800 for renting out an unsafe and unlicensed house in multiple occupation (HMO). South Gloucestershire Council’s Private Sector...
A large blue bag full of empty whipped cream cannisters

Bristol man ordered to pay almost £1,300 following South Gloucestershire fly-tip

A Bristol man has been ordered to pay a total of £1,298 in fines and costs after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him for waste...
Kingswood RFC players (from left to right) Nick Baber, Ollie Marsh and Richard Shacklock

Council teams up with local rugby club to help tackle violence...

South Gloucestershire Council has teamed up with Kingswood RFC to continue its priority to stamp out violence and abuse against women and girls. Male and...
An example of a postal votevideo

Look out for your postal voting pack for the Avon and...

This week South Gloucestershire residents who have registered to vote by post will begin to receive their postal packs for the Avon and Somerset...
Road safety survey camera van

Drivers urged to belt-up and ignore their phones whilst travelling

South Gloucestershire Council’s road safety team are reminding motorists to ensure they always wear seatbelts and never use mobile phones whilst driving. The council has...
The shared kitchen in Sutera’s Stroud Road property

Repeat offending criminal landlord fined over £36,000

A South Gloucestershire landlord that has repeatedly flouted housing rules has been fined a further £36,000 following a prosecution brought by South Gloucestershire Council’s...
Waste associated with the Parker fly-tip prosecution.

Bristol man ordered to carry-out 80 hours of unpaid work ...

A Bristol man has been handed a 12-month Community Order including 80 hours of unpaid work, after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him following the...

Public feedback shapes new library opening hours, as £200k streetlight savings...

All South Gloucestershire libraries will remain open, with staffed hours focussed on when users need them the most, as decisions taken at Cabinet mean...
A woman wearing an 'I'm Registered to Vote' necklace

Registration to vote closing – deadline next week

Residents in South Gloucestershire are being urged to register to vote and check their Voter ID so they can have their say on who...
A tractor and container for grass cuttings

Carbon reduction scheme to be rolled out to more South Gloucestershire...

An innovation project looking at how grass cuttings can be used to generate energy and reduce South Gloucestershire Council’s carbon emissions is to be...
The exterior of Badminton Road office in Yate.

South Glos Council welcomes Sirona as a tenant in its Badminton...

Sirona care & health has agreed to take up a tenancy and establish its organisational headquarters in South Gloucestershire Council’s Badminton Road office building...
A box filled with bottles of seized fake hand sanitiser

Covid hand sanitiser fraud pair sent to prison

A father and son living near Thornbury were both given prison sentences at Bristol Crown Court yesterday (8 April) for defrauding customers of their...
Recycling and containers

Plastic bags and wrapping recycling to expand to reach 22,000 South...

As part of the continuing efforts to increase recycling in South Gloucestershire, the council is expanding its participation in the FPF FlexCollect project, a...
man standing near shop front with wording 'I'm registered to vote'

Candidates announced for the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner...

The list of candidates standing in the Police and Crime Commissioner election for the Avon and Somerset Police Area has been published. On Thursday 2...
Gavel and judge

South Gloucestershire woman prosecuted for continuing to claim benefits for her...

A daughter acting as her father’s carer did not inform South Gloucestershire Council that her father had died and continued to pay herself as...
Advertising signs on a pallet propped against a traffic light signal

Driveway business ordered to pay over £4,500 for illegal fly posting

A driveway company based in Pucklechurch has been ordered to pay a total of £4,563 in fines and costs after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted...
A fenced off path with no entry signs

Thornbury man ordered to pay over £8,000 for obstructing public right...

A Thornbury man has been ordered to pay a total of £8,155.60 in fines and costs after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him for the...
Fly-tipped waste

Bristol man ordered to pay almost £2,000 following South Gloucestershire fly-tip

A Bristol man has been ordered to pay a total of £1,952 in fines and costs after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him for waste...
The words I'm Registered to Vote spelt out in flowers

Are you registered to vote in the Avon and Somerset Police...

Residents in South Gloucestershire are being urged to register to vote and check their Voter ID so they can have their say on who...
Bookshelves in a library

Riveting fantasy story scoops Concorde Book Award 2024

A novel which tells the magical story of a boy who finds friendship in a ghost who helps provide the courage to escape from...
An image of a model of a house held up against the sun

South Glos delivered the most social rented homes in England for...

It was another bumper year for social housing in South Gloucestershire, with 538 new social rented homes delivered in 2022/23, almost double the numbers...
Planters in Staple Hill, South Gloucestershire

Grants awarded to support sustainable planting projects across South Gloucestershire

Sustainable planting projects that help high streets burst with life and support the environment have received a share of more than £32,000 in grant...
ypical British terraced houses

New local children’s homes will help cared-for young people to thrive...

South Gloucestershire Council is currently in the process of purchasing three homes that will provide support and stability for those more in need of...
An image representing the average contents of a South Gloucestershire black bin (by volume) based on waste analysis completed in 2022.

Recycling at the heart of changes to waste management in South...

The way waste and recyclable materials are collected and disposed of will change in the coming years, with more recycling at the kerbside, leading...
representatives from Bromford housing association and South Gloucestershire Council

South Gloucestershire Council and partners deliver Government funded affordable homes for...

South Gloucestershire Council and housing partners are delivering an additional 43 affordable homes for refugees from Ukraine or Afghanistan who are at risk of...
A cyclist travels on a cycle path

Yate residents asked about travel in the town

South Gloucestershire Council is asking people who live in Yate to share their experiences of getting around the town. Through a new project called Getting...
Black and white Bus stop sign

Council welcomes Y6 bus changes to reach more residents

South Gloucestershire Council has welcomed news the Y6 bus service will be re-routed, after raising residents’ calls with First Bus to make it more...
A photograph of South Gloucestershire Council's Badminton Road office

Independent Review of South Glos Council highlights stability and good governance...

An independent review carried out by experienced local government experts has praised South Gloucestershire Council for its strong financial management, stable leadership and high...
An illustrative CGI of the Brabazon site

Masterplan approval granted for the most exciting new city district in...

South Gloucestershire Council has passed a resolution to grant planning approval for the revised masterplan for Brabazon, the thriving new neighbourhood for South Gloucestershire...

Council calls on Government to fund flood defences to protect Severn...

Further funding is needed to expand the Avonmouth and Severnside Enterprise Area (ASEA) Flood Defence and Ecology Mitigation Project to also help protect the...
Black bin-liners full of waste dumped on a pavement

Filton students handed 12 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay...

Three men from Filton have been handed 12 months conditional discharge each and ordered to pay a total of £332 in fines and costs...

South Glos Council budget to invest in support for children, cost...

South Gloucestershire Council’s budget for the coming year will prioritise investments in children’s services and cost-of-living support for those in financial difficulty, as well...
Council Plan image

10-year vision for the district – and how to get there...

South Gloucestershire should be a fairer, greener place in 2034, and the council has set out a draft plan for the next four years...
Pictured at Kingswood Park Ward Councillor Sean Rhodes, Partner Lead Member for Communities and Local Place, Councillor Jayne Stansfield, Cabinet Member for Communities and Local Place, Councillor Leigh Ingham, and Kingswood Park Friends member, Raf Ackbar.

Kingswood Park secures record investment after successful award from The National...

South Gloucestershire Council and the Friends of Kingswood Park are celebrating after securing a grant of over £2.6 million from The National Lottery Heritage...
Big Lemon Bus

Council agrees further support to extend 84/85 and 918 bus services

South Gloucestershire Council has agreed around £240,000 of additional funding to continue its support of the 84/85 bus service until September 2024, and extend...
A photograph of South Gloucestershire Council's Badminton Road office

Council budget to invest in children’s services, climate action and cost-of-living...

South Gloucestershire Council’s updated budget has been published, with additional investments in children’s services and focusing on the twin priorities of cost-of-living support for...
A vacant unit in Thornbury

Bringing new life to the high street with the Vacant Commercial...

South Gloucestershire Council is launching a new grants programme to support landlords, property owners and businesses and to bring vacant commercial high street units...