Foster carers wanted


We have launched a campaign to find new foster carers in South Gloucestershire.

There are more than 160 children in care in South Gloucestershire who need a stable home and we want to hear from anyone who has ever considered fostering and would like to know more about this rewarding role.

There may be people in the area who have thought about fostering for a long time and haven’t acted upon it, so we are holding a series of information sessions during April and anyone who is interested can come along to get information and talk to professionals about what’s involved.

Drop-in sessions are being held throughout South Gloucestershire where the fostering team will be available to answer any questions:
Tuesday 3 April, 4pm to 8pm, at Turnberrie’s Community Centre, Bath Road, Thornbury BS35 2BB
Saturday 7 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm, at South Gloucestershire Council Offices, Badminton Road, Yate BS37 5AF
Wednesday 11 April, 1pm to 3pm, at Emersons Green Village Hall, Emerson Way, Emersons Green BS16 7AP
Thursday 19 April, 7pm to 9pm, at Filton Community Centre, Elm Park, Filton BS34 7PS
Friday 27 April, 12 midday to 7pm, at Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood BS15 9TR.

Cllr Jon Hunt, Cabinet Member responsible for Children and Young People, said: “People often think they can’t foster because they are single, work, or are older, but none of these things matter.

“We’re looking for people who have space in their home, and their heart, for a young person and can offer them a positive and loving home environment. By becoming a foster carer, people have the opportunity to change a young person’s life for good.”

Fostering is about helping a child or young person by looking after them in your own home, at a time when their own family is not able to. Children need fostering for all sorts of reasons and for different lengths of time.

Foster carers are needed for children of all ages, as well as those willing to give a safe and caring home to vulnerable teenagers or to offer a short-term placement to a disabled child.

To find out more about fostering please contact our fostering team on 01454 866423 or email

More information is also on our website