Key planning developments get the go-ahead


A number of major planning developments in South Gloucestershire have recently been given the green light by South Gloucestershire Councillors.

We have granted formal planning permission for an aerospace museum and learning centre which will also house Concorde 216 near the site where it was manufactured in Filton. As well as providing an indoor exhibition space for Concorde, the existing World War 1 aircraft hangars will be refurbished for the display of the Bristol Aero Collection along with a full range of visitor facilities.

A ‘New Neighbourhood’ in North Yate has received outline planning permission for approximately 3,000 houses. This is a site which was allocated for growth in the South Gloucestershire Core Strategy.

Member’s approval is also in place to grant planning permission for the majority of the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood, with an overarching Framework Agreement, which is a national first in terms of ensuring infrastructure is delivered at the right time in the right place across the whole site. This is positive progress on another one of our growth sites allocated in the Core Strategy.

Planning consent has also been issued which will pave the way for an ExtraCare village to be developed east of Coldharbour Lane, on the border between South Gloucestershire and Bristol. The ambitious project will include 261 ExtraCare apartments to support older people to live independently for longer, including a mix of leasehold sales and affordable rents. The village also boasts an impressive range of facilities open to all to help keep people active including a community hall, a library, a bar-bistro, a health and wellbeing suite and a shop.

Due to the location of the project, priority for the affordable units will initially be given to people from South Gloucestershire and Bristol. Together, we have agreed a ground-breaking arrangement to address the issue of future social care costs on the scheme, which is being hailed as an example of councils working together constructively for the benefit of residents.

More than £7 million funding has been put into the scheme from Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire Council and the Department of Health.