Stand for election as a councillor and represent your local area

A sign saying polling station on a fence outside a building

People in South Gloucestershire are being encouraged to stand for election as a councillor and help represent their local area.

Nominations papers for candidates for elections to South Gloucestershire Council as well as parish and town councils are now available. The submission of nominations will commence from 27 March and the deadline is 4pm on 4 April.

The local elections in South Gloucestershire will be held on 4 May this year, when 61 district councillors covering 28 district wards and 492 councillors for 50 parish and town councils will be voted on by an electorate of more than 211,000. This includes deciding on the representatives for the newly created parish councils for Charlton Hayes, Stoke Park and Cheswick, and Staple Hill and Mangotsfield, along with the new town council for Kingswood.

Being a councillor is a varied and highly fulfilling role where you help make decisions on the issues that matter to local communities. It’s a great way to make a real difference, whether that’s by supporting individual residents with particular issues or helping to shape your local community by driving new ideas. Councillors represent local people’s views on a wide range of matters such as planning applications, transport, education, social care, waste and recycling services, the climate and nature emergency, and keeping streets and open spaces clean and tidy.

People from all backgrounds and experiences who can reflect the communities they serve are needed. You do not have to be a member of a political party to stand for election – you can also be an independent councillor.

Training will be provided and councillors are paid an allowance.

There are a number of eligibility criteria that need to be met by anyone wishing to stand as a candidate for South Gloucestershire Council or one of the area’s parish and town councils. You can find the full set of qualifications and disqualifications and details and guidance on standing for election is available on the Electoral Commission website ( including links to the various forms that need to be filled in and submitted.

South Gloucestershire Council will also be holding hour-long briefing sessions for prospective candidates on 22 and 23 February (online) and in person at Kingswood Council Chamber on 6 and 9 March.

For more information, please visit, call: 01454 863030, email: or write to: Electoral Registration, PO Box 1953, Badminton Road, Bristol, BS37 0DB