South Gloucestershire celebrates GCSE results


Students in South Gloucestershire are celebrating success in their GCSE results in what have been very different circumstances because of COVID-19.

We know that this will be an anxious time for students that have taken BTECs and are hoping that they will receive their results next week. The awarding body, Pearson, has announced that it would re-grade BTECs in line with both GCSE and A level results.

These results represent a huge amount of hard work and commitment by students, staff and school leaders across all seventeen secondary schools; especially as the results have been achieved during COVID-19, which has been challenging for both our schools and students. Our thanks also go to parents for supporting their children throughout the last two years to ensure they secure success.

Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Employment Councillor Erica Williams said: “I want to congratulate all our students who are receiving their results today.

“This has been a particularly challenging year because of COVID, but we know that our students have worked extremely hard to achieve these grades and they should be very proud of their individual successes. Our thanks go out to all pupils and school staff for their hard work and dedication to achieve these excellent results in these unprecedented times.

“I am particularly pleased to hear some really good examples from across our schools and Trusts of where pupils with Special Educational Needs and those that are disadvantaged have closed the attainment gap.

“Going forward is a big step for students after their GCSEs, whether they are moving on to sixth form, college, apprenticeships or employment, and I want to wish them all the best as they move to the next stage.

“We will also want to recognise and share in the success of our students that will be receiving their BTEC results and are hoping that these will be awarded shortly, we appreciate that this remains an anxious wait for some who have yet to receive their results.

We would remind students and parents that if they are still unsure about their next steps, Post 16 advice and guidance is available through their school, at College, via Careerpilot online or via the National Careers Service Helpline for Teenagers on 0800 100 900.