Council publishes updated list of sites to be assessed for potential development


As part of our work on a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire, we are publishing an updated list of sites which have been proposed as having the potential for future development. We are also making the information available via an online map, to make it easy to identify proposals across the district.

A new and updated Local Plan is being prepared, which will govern how new homes and other growth are delivered across South Gloucestershire in the future. As part of public consultations that have already taken place, landowners and potential developers have had the opportunity to propose ideas through ‘Call for Sites’ exercises.

We know that South Gloucestershire needs new homes and to identify space for businesses to grow. While a significant portion of that growth will be outlined in the West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP), our own Local Plan will set out the local rules for how that new growth is delivered, as well as how we will meet our urban living and non-strategic growth needs.

The JSP is currently being examined by independent planning inspectors on behalf of the Government, while the next stage in the Local Plan process will be to assess the long list of sites for their viability and appropriateness. That process will take place in the coming months and the findings of this work will be published and subject to further public consultation in 2019. Accordingly, the council is not endorsing the idea of development on the sites at this stage.

Additionally, publishing this list does not imply any approval for development. Any subsequent planning applications made in relation to these sites would also be subject to normal planning procedures and local people with an interest will be able to comment on proposals before any decisions could be made.

Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and the Strategic Environment, Councillor Colin Hunt, said: “We believe in plan-led development. That is, we work with communities to identify what growth we might need and seek agreement on how it can be delivered. We want plans that allow us to meet our future needs, but also that protect us from poorly thought out speculative development, which doesn’t grow communities, it puts pressure on them. “

“We want to be totally transparent, which is why we are publishing this list and making it available with an online map. These sites are just ideas at the moment, but we know people want to hear about and potentially shape those ideas. This information will help us, as well as the community, as we go through the review and assessment process as part of the next phase of preparing our new Local Plan.”