Residents and businesses encouraged to have their say on the future of Yate


An engagement on our long-term vision and ideas for improving Yate launches this week. We want the local community to tell us what they would like to see featured in the forthcoming masterplan which will be developed using the feedback received.

The Yate Town Improvement Masterplan will be put together alongside partners including Yate Town Council and Yate Shopping Centre and will build on and enhance the town’s existing strengths to ensure it remains a great place to live, work and visit.

To capture the views and suggestions from the local community to inform this plan, we have launched a six-week public engagement exercise which launches this week and runs until Monday 16 November.

As part of this, a dedicated website – – has been set up to enable the local community to view the vision and potential opportunities for Yate and have their say through an interactive map and feedback form.

Feedback from this public engagement will help refine emerging ideas and identify new opportunities to be included in the masterplan, which will be put to consultation next year.

The masterplan will define new opportunities for future growth, as well as proposing more walking and cycling routes and initiatives to reduce congestion and enhance air quality. It aims to meet the needs of all ages and there will be elements focusing on maintaining economic prosperity, and helping everyone access new jobs, new skills and homes. There will also be an emphasis on maintaining our existing wildlife and to create new habitats, along with creating new ways for people to enjoy nature by providing better access.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and the Strategic Environment Cllr Steve Reade said: “We are encouraging local people and business in the area to view our ideas for Yate and to provide their feedback through the dedicated website

“This is a fantastic opportunity for local people to have their say and play a part in shaping the future of the town and to help ensure Yate continues to be a great place to live, work, shop and socialise for all ages.”

Cllr John Gawn from Yate Town Council commented: “This is an opportunity for all residents, businesses, voluntary groups and visitors to have their say on what you would like us to focus our efforts on over the coming years to make Yate an even greater place to live and work. We urge everyone to please take some time out to read the proposals and let us know your views.”

Andrew Lowrey, manager of Yate Shopping Centre, said “To help our shops and the economy of Yate thrive in what will be challenging times ahead, we need to consider what will further enhance our offer so people continue to shop and work local. We ask all visitors to the town centre to respond and local businesses to consider what would help them and their employees before responding to this engagement on the future of Yate.”

The Yate Town Improvement Masterplan will support the new South Gloucestershire Local Plan, which will be published later this year. The masterplan will also reflect the objectives and themes from national, regional and local strategies and plans.

To view the plan and to have your say please visit