Gipsy Patch Lane roadworks mark start of Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension


Roadworks are due to begin on Gipsy Patch Lane from Monday 2 September in preparation of construction work to replace the Victorian era railway bridge and widen the road as part of the Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension (CPME).

The CPME is an extension of the metrobus network already in operation and will provide a direct link between Bristol Parkway railway station and The Mall bus station, via the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood on the former Filton Airfield.

Preparation work will start in the area around the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane in early September. The current bridge creates a traffic bottleneck causing queues on Gipsy Patch Lane. The new bridge will relieve this pinch point, allowing for reliable bus journey times, as well as providing improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and private vehicles.

We are working with Network Rail to deliver the new wider bridge, which will enable both a general traffic lane and bus lane in each direction, as well as a shared use cycle and pedestrian pathway. The work will also include footway widening and new bus lanes along other sections of Gipsy Patch Lane, resulting in significant benefits for all highway users, whether you travel by bus, car, cycle or on foot.

Please note that all businesses in and around Gipsy Patch Lane are open as usual during this latest phase of work.

Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Steve Reade said: “We are pleased to see this vital transport project get started. The CPME will deliver a new high quality express bus service, as well as improving cycling and pedestrian facilities and helping to reduce traffic and congestion.

“This initial work will make the Gipsy Patch Lane bridge suitable for modern use and will ensure it continues to be fit for the future.We know that this is an already busy stretch of the road network and we are working hard to reduce any disruption whilst the work takes place. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

Work due to take place from September will include:

* Continuing work on establishing a construction site in the Horizon 38 Business Park next to the railway bridge. This is where the new bridge will be constructed before it is moved into positon during Easter 2020

* Further clearance of trees and shrubs will take place around the existing bridge, including the removal of the large trees outside Pegasus Park

* Preparation for foundation work at the four corners of the new bridge and the installation of dropped kerbs for temporary crossing points on Gipsy Patch Lane

* Piling works will need to be carried out from October to construct foundations for the new bridge.

To assist the work a number of traffic management measures will be in use including Stop/Go signs and temporary traffic lights.

From Monday 2 September temporary three-way traffic lights will be in operation on Gipsy Patch Lane at the railway bridge. These will be in place for up to two weeks.

After this period automated Stop/Go boards will be used as needed on Gipsy Patch Lane. These will only be used when workers and machinery from the construction site need to safely cross Gipsy Patch Lane and their use will be kept to a minimum and as far as possible will be kept to off-peak times.

We understand that this work will have a major impact on traffic in the nearby and wider area. We apologise in advance for this inconvenience and would like to assure everyone that we are doing everything we can to minimise disruption to residents, businesses and road users.

Further information and a timeline of the work is available on our website at