Have your say on active travel improvements from Thornbury to Bradley Stoke


South Gloucestershire Council is encouraging people to have their say on suggestions to improve walking, cycling and travelling by bus on one of the area’s major transport routes.

A consultation on proposals to improve routes around Thornbury, the A38 and Bradley Stoke is now open and lasts until midnight on Monday 14 March.

The initial proposals have been developed by the council to support sustainable travel in the following areas:

  • Thornbury and the B4061 Alveston Hill between Thornbury and Alveston
  • The A38 between Thornbury and Aztec West
  • Bradley Stoke Way between Aztec West and Great Stoke Roundabout.

The suggestions include additional bus lanes at the Grovesend Road, Alveston Hill and Church Road junctions on the A38. The council also want to assess facilities provided at bus stops such as bus shelters to ensure that they meet basic standards for accessibility.

Additionally, the council are looking to create safer facilities to keep cyclists separated from traffic and pedestrians, including new cycle tracks and in some locations a reduction in speed limit.

The overall aim is to try to reduce the delays buses currently experience approaching key junctions along this route, particularly between junction 15 of the M5/Almondsbury Interchange and Thornbury.

During the six-week engagement, a series of public drop-in sessions will be held along the proposed route at Thornbury, Bradley Stoke and Almondsbury:

Monday 28 February between 2.30pm and 6pm – Turnberries, Thornbury

Tuesday 1 March between 3pm and 7pm – Kipling Room, Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre

Thursday 3 March between 3pm and 7pm – Old School House, Almondsbury.

These will provide opportunities for people to learn more about the proposals, meet the project team and ask questions.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Strategic Infrastructure Cllr Steve Reade said: “To help address climate change and provide people with more choices for their journeys, we are aiming to make all types of travel in South Gloucestershire more sustainable.

“We want to transform the Thornbury, A38 and Bradley Stoke Way corridor to give residents and visitors better options for using buses, walking and cycling. Our suggestions include a whole host of improvements to bus stops, the creation of some new bus lanes and segregated cycling and walking facilities. We want to hear what people have to say about these proposals, so I encourage everyone to take part in our consultation.”

These proposals are being developed by South Gloucestershire Council as part of a wider programme of bus and cycle investment across the West of England by the Combined Authority.

Funding for the improvements will be provided by the Combined Authority’s funding from Central Government and will not impact on funds available in South Gloucestershire for other council services.

Feedback from local residents, businesses and organisations will be used to shape the proposals and then inform more detailed design work. An Outline Business Case will then be submitted to the Combined Authority in the summer to help secure funding to progress the scheme. This will be followed by a further 12-week public consultation to provide an opportunity for people to comment on detailed proposals. Work could then start from late 2023 onwards and could take between 18 months to two years to complete in phased sections.

For further information on the proposals or to provide feedback visit www.consultations.southglos.gov.uk/A38

You can also get in touch with the council if you have any questions or would like to request a paper copy of the materials by emailing transportservices@southglos.gov.uk