Railway line closure for Gipsy Patch Lane bridge replacement


The next phase of bridge replacement work at Gipsy Patch Lane as part of the Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension (CPME) will be taking place at the end of October/early November.

The CPME is a £57 million investment to reduce congestion and improve journey times for all road users in the area by providing a new quick, reliable public transport system and a realistic alternative to travelling by car. CPME is funded by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth Fund.

As part of CPME, Network Rail and their contractor Alun Griffiths are working on behalf of South Gloucestershire Council to deliver a new railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane. The wider bridge will provide room for new bus lanes in each direction and shared use cycle and pedestrian pathways, as well as general traffic lanes.

The bridge move on Gipsy Patch Lane was due to take place over the Easter period but because of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and government guidance concerning social distancing Network Rail had no option but to postpone the work along with a number of other schemes across the wider rail network.

Gipsy Patch Lane bridge replacement
The bridge replacement work will now take place from late evening on Saturday 24 October to the early hours on Saturday 7 November. During this time Network Rail, and its contractor Alun Griffiths, will be working continuously, night and day, to remove the track and overhead line equipment, demolish the existing bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane, move the new bridge into position and reinstall the track and overhead line equipment.

The planned work will involve the use of heavy machinery and noisy activities, such as excavation and further piling. The work will take place around the clock to allow as much work to be completed in the shortest possible time. Network Rail will work to minimise the disturbance and will put in place a number of noise mitigation measures such as acoustic barriers. All deliveries and construction equipment needing access during the work will enter via the A38 and the construction site on the west (non-residential) side of the bridge. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused by this work.

Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Steve Reade said: “The new railway bridge is a significant engineering project which requires extensive works, including the demolition of the existing railway bridge and lowering the road to conform to national design standards for headroom under bridges.

“The work taking place this autumn is a crucial milestone for the CPME project and will provide a significant number of benefits to the travelling public when all work is completed. The new wider bridge will help improve traffic flow along a busy route, provide infrastructure for a new bus route and improve facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

“The CPME is an important part of our ambitions to keep South Gloucestershire moving now and in years to come. We need to get our road network ready for the major new housing and business developments that are planned for the area and make sustainable travel options a more attractive choice.

“We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that may be caused during this work. We would like to thank the local community and rail passengers for their patience during this important phase of the CPME.”

West of England Mayor, Tim Bowles, said: “Metrobus has been a great success in providing people with a high quality, easily accessible public transport service and the new Cribbs Patchway extension is going to mean even more residents can share in that success.”

Further information
Dates and timeframes may be subject to further change and we will continue to keep the community up to date via social media and our website. Any updates will be posted on social media via www.facebook.com/sgloscpme and the project webpage at www.southglos.gov.uk/cpmetrobus. We would also encourage people to sign up to our project newsletter, which can be done by visiting our webpage.

Anyone with queries concerning the rail line closure should call the Network Rail 24-hour helpline on 03457 11 41 41.