Roadworks on Gipsy Patch Lane


Roadworks are due to begin on Gipsy Patch Lane later this month in preparation for construction of the Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension (CPME), which is expected to start later this year.

The first phase of this preparatory work is to divert underground utilities and will be carried out by BT from Monday 25 February.

We do not expect this initial phase of work by BT to cause any disruption to road users or to the supply of BT services, however some foot/cycle paths may be affected. If any other utility or survey work is required during this period which does require traffic management, this will be publicised in advance.

Travel survey
We are currently considering options to manage traffic during the construction work and experience gained during a four week closure this June* will help us with this.

We have also launched an online travel survey to better understand travel patterns on Gipsy Patch Lane and we are encouraging anyone who travels or lives along Gipsy Patch Lane to take part. The survey should only take about five minutes to complete and can be accessed at
The survey will be open until Wednesday 20 March.

The results of the survey, together with monitoring of traffic flows in the area, including by using temporary traffic cameras, will help us to plan for the traffic management required for the CPME construction work.

Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Colin Hunt said: “This preparation work will enable us to progress faster once the main work begins, and help to reduce any inconvenience caused to residents, communities and businesses.
“We know this is a busy part of our road network and we are doing everything we can to reduce any delays caused by the work, including asking anyone affected to take part in our online travel survey ahead of the June closure. Please visit to complete the survey.”

The Cribbs Patchway metrobus extension (CPME) is an extension of the metrobus network already in operation. The CPME will provide a direct link between Bristol Parkway train station and The Mall bus station, via the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood on the former Filton Airfield.

Working with Network Rail, the scheme will include replacing the railway bridge over Gipsy Patch Lane with a wider bridge to enable both a general traffic and a bus lane in each direction as well as a shared use cycle and pedestrian pathway. The scheme will also include footway widening and new bus lanes along other sections of Gipsy Patch Lane.

Ahead of the June closure, we will be holding a series of public drop-in sessions where people can find out further information, view detailed plans and diversion maps and discuss the works with members of the project team.

Further information on the extension project is available on our website


*June 2019 closure
The next phase of BT’s preparatory work will require a closure of Gipsy Patch Lane at the railway bridge during June 2019.

Gipsy Patch Lane will be closed to all highway users, including pedestrians and cyclists, at the railway bridge for approximately four weeks from Monday 3 June. A signed diversion route will be in place during this time. Access to properties and side roads along Gipsy Patch Lane will be maintained and no disruption to the supply of utilities is expected. Dates of the full closure will be clearly signposted to give adequate notice.

We are investigating ways to potentially reduce the amount of time that the closure will be in place but we need to plan for it being approximately four weeks.