Park Runners highlight number of new foster families needed in South Glos as part of Foster Care Fortnight

South Gloucestershire Council staff members, their families and supporters who took part in the Parkrun to raise awareness of the need for more foster carers in the district.

Fifteen runners took to part in the Pomphrey Hill Parkrun on Saturday 18 May, to highlight the number of foster families needed in South Gloucestershire.

South Gloucestershire employees, friends and family members joined the regular runners to raise awareness of the urgent need for more foster carers as part of Foster Care Fortnight (13-26 May).

The runners and their supporters wore branded t-shirts and gave out refreshment bags to other participants, to help start conversations about the need for more carers in the area.

South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for Fostering, councillor Maggie Tyrrell, said: “New figures show there’s a shortage of 6,500 foster families across the UK, while at the same time, a record number of children are needing to enter the care system.

“Recruiting 15 new foster carers across South Gloucestershire will mean that children and young people coming into our care can stay in their local community, close to friends and family.

“We welcome enquiries from anyone in the district aged at 21 or over who has a spare bedroom. Our dedicated fostering team support applicants through the entire process, from initial enquiry to approval. It’s a challenging but rewarding role and we would love to hear from anyone who is interested, please come and talk to us about what’s involved.”

Foster carers provide children and young people who are unable to live with their birth family a stable loving home. Placements can range from a single overnight stay to several years.

Foster carers with South Gloucestershire Council benefit from a generous weekly financial package to support with the costs of providing care, as well as extensive training and development opportunities. For more information visit