Have your say on South Gloucestershire’s Polling District and Polling Place Review

A graphic advertising the review

South Gloucestershire Council is asking people in the area for their views on the location of polling stations and if they are accessible.

The council has a statutory duty to undertake a full review of all polling districts and polling places for the whole of the district to ensure they have accessible and convenient facilities to vote from.

The council welcomes proposals and/or comments from:

  • any interested person within the council area or within a UK parliamentary constituency which has a part in South Gloucestershire
  • sitting councillors, past or potential candidates and local political parties
  • disabled residents and from individuals or groups and organisations who have experience in making facilities and premises accessible for those who have a disability.

If you are commenting on the suitability of existing or proposed polling places, please provide suggestions for alternative venues, where possible, to assist the review process.

To find out which district ward you live in, please go to https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/election-maps/gb/?x=364072&y=178663&z=5&bnd1=UTW&bnd2=&labels=off

You can find more information and have your say by visiting https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/Polling23

A paper copy of the survey can be downloaded from the consultation web page. Please post your completed survey to South Gloucestershire Council, Electoral Services, PO Box 1953, Bristol, BS37 0DB, or by email to electoral.services@southglos.gov.uk

Anybody making representations should be aware that, upon completion of the review, all correspondence and representations received must, by law, also be published.

The consultation runs until 30 October 2023.