Joint statement from all group leaders following debate at South Gloucestershire Full Council meeting on Wednesday 15 February


The following joint statement is issued on behalf of the three group leaders on South Gloucestershire Council, Councillors Matthew Riddle, Ruth Davis and Pat Rooney, following a debate at last night’s meeting of Full Council:

“South Gloucestershire is a diverse area. We have rural, suburban, and urban communities made up of people from many religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. We thrive economically because we judge people on their skills and their industry, not on their creed or colour. We see it as our duty to offer protection and shelter to the world’s most vulnerable and desolate and stand ready to do our share of the task of welcoming and integrating refugees so they can thrive in our communities.

“We reaffirm our commitment to fighting against racism, and combating discrimination based on national origin, race, sexuality, and disability.”