New campaign promotes people doing the right thing to keep South Gloucestershire safe


We are launching a new campaign to promote how many residents and businesses are doing the right thing to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to encourage everyone to do the same.

Our ‘I’m helping to keep South Gloucestershire safe’ social media campaign showcases residents, business owners, customers, schoolchildren and others explaining what measures they have in place or are following to protect their friends, family and other members of the community.

Images and videos will be posted on our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor – over the next few weeks. We are asking everyone to share these with the hashtag #keepsouthglossafe to help spread the message that we all need to continue to follow the rules and do our bit to keep South Gloucestershire safe and prevent further restrictions.

Leader of South Gloucestershire Council Cllr Toby Savage said: “To avoid stricter measures and to protect ourselves, our loved ones and keep South Gloucestershire safe, we must all continue to follow government guidance, in particular on social distancing.
“I’m so proud and heartened by how South Gloucestershire’s communities have supported each other so far and my sincere thanks go to everyone for all of their efforts, patience, and compassion.
“This new local campaign will showcase the things the South Gloucestershire community are doing to help keep us all safe, please share these posts on social media and remember to use the hashtag #keepsouthglossafe.”

Currently South Gloucestershire is rated in the medium alert level of the government’s new Covid-19 three-tier system. That means we are subject to national restrictions including:
• Not meeting in groups of more than six, indoors or outdoors
• Wearing face coverings in all shops, indoor venues including pubs, cafes and restaurants unless seated to eat or drink, and on public transport
• All pubs and restaurants must close at 10pm.

If numbers continue to increase, we could move into the high level alert. This would mean households would be restricted from mixing indoors.

We want to do everything we can to prevent further restrictions. Help stop the spread by sharing our campaign and using the hashtag #keepsouthglossafe

Follow us on social media
Facebook –
Twitter – @sgloscouncil
Instagram –
Nextdoor – if you are on the Nextdoor app, please invite your neighbours to join so we can continue to grow our South Gloucestershire online community and target messages of specific importance to different areas.

Do the right thing. Stop the spread.