Route 60+ driving refresher roadshow for older drivers


People aged 60 and over in South Gloucestershire are encouraged to attend a free Route 60+ roadshow event in Longwell Green that aims to refresh driving skills and help older drivers safely remain on the road.

The roadshow aims to address modern changes to vehicles, and also how our own driving skills and habits may have changed, with advice on how we can go about updating those skills. The event will be relaxed and friendly with useful information to help improve people’s knowledge and confidence, as well as offering valuable health advice.

There will be a number of information stands on offer, a driving simulator to test reaction times, and free eye tests, along with a presentation covering subjects such as driving licences, changes in the highway code, safer driving at night, and effects of medication. Representatives from public health, the fire service and the local neighbourhood policing team will be present, and anyone who attends will also receive a free copy of the latest edition of The Highway Code.

The free event will be held on Thursday 9 March at Longwell Green Community Centre, in Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, from 1.30pm to 4pm.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Planning, Transport & Strategic Environment lead member Cllr Colin Hunt said: “Some people become concerned when they are approaching the age of 70 and need to renew their driving licence. We want to help people keep hold of their licences longer by addressing any concerns and improving their driving knowledge and confidence.
“The event includes an interactive presentation, a chance to test your skills on the driving simulator, have your eyesight checked, and talk to our partner agencies.”

The road safety team will be working alongside NADIA (North Avon Driving Instruction Association) at the event to offer one hour driving refresher sessions with an approved local driving instructor. This will take place in the driver’s own vehicle, at a convenient time and place, and costs just £10 (usually £25 but South Gloucestershire Council contribute the other £15).

This event is free to attend and is funded by South Gloucestershire Council’s road safety education team. The presentation will be delivered by road safety staff from South Gloucestershire Council and Somerset County Council.

Route 60+ previously ran across Somerset and if this taster event proves successful there will be further events in South Gloucestershire later this year.

Find out more about the work of the road safety section at