Concerned about an adult?

01454 868007 ‐ Monday to Friday 9am ‐ 5pm

01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

In an emergency please ring 999

Concerned about a child?

01454 866000 ‐ Monday to Thursday 9am ‐ 5pm

01454 866000 ‐ Friday 9am ‐ 4.30pm

01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

In an emergency please ring 999


October Newsletter published today21 October 2022

The joint safeguarding newsletter for October has been published today


Have a read here Safeguarding Update Edition October 2022

SGSAB Annual Report Published Today8 September 2022

The Annual Report for 2021-22 has been published today

You can read it here

SGSAB Annual Report 2021-22

August Newsletter Published Today12 August 2022


Read the newsletter here

Stop Adult Abuse Week – Save the Date6 July 2022

This year Stop Adult Abuse Week takes place from Monday 21st – Friday 25th November – there will be FREE workshops every day at lunchtime.

SAVE THE DATE in your calendar now

*UPDATED* Guidance Documents for everyone working with Adults1 July 2022

The Working with Risk Guidance and the Self Neglect Guidance have both been updated and have been agreed by the Safeguarding Adults Board.

Please replace any other versions of these documents with these new ones

Working with Risk Guidance 2022

Self Neglect Guidance 2022

June Safeguarding Newsletter – Published today1 June 2022

You can read the June Safeguarding Newsletter – from the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Children’s Partnership by clicking the link below

Safeguarding Update Edition June 2022

May Edition of the Safeguarding Newsletter24 May 2022

You can read the new edition of the newsletter here

April Edition of Safeguarding Newsletter Published Today8 April 2022

The April Edition of the Joint Newsletter for the Safeguarding Adults Board and Children’s Partnership is now available

Safeguarding Update Edition April 2022

*BRAND NEW* Homelessness Guidance21 March 2022

Published Today – Multi Agency Homelessness Guidance – this guidance was agreed at the Safeguarding Adults Board in March.

Homelessness-Guidance.pdf (

*SPECIAL EDITION* Learning from Reviews Newsletter17 March 2022

A special edition of the joint safeguarding newsletter has been published today which has a focus on learning from statutory reviews

You can read the newsletter here

We are seeking feedback about how you have used the resource – give your feedback here

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