

Professionals 2018-02-21T16:50:36+00:00

Welcome to our pages for professionals.

If you work with children and young people, you’ll know that they experience a wide range of feelings, emotions and challenges. These pages contain resources, links and information to support you to support young people.

Mind You welcomes your feedback and contributions. If you have any materials or suggestions, please email mentalhealth@southglos.gov.uk

‘My Mum’s Got a Dodgy Brain’

A film for and by children who have a parent with a mental health problem, made in collaboration with Devon Partnership NHS trust. Produced by ForMed Films CIC formedfilms.co.uk

Dr Jo Black, Named Doctor for Safeguarding and Clinical Lead for perinatal service, explains: “The film was originally designed to help mental health staff who work with adults to keep in mind the children in their families. It has enormous appeal, charm and honesty and I recommend it to those who work with, care for or manage services for children. It will be used for staff training and staff are invited to share the animation with families to help other children feel less alone.”