This page contains information specific to schools. For more information please look at the other pages in the professionals’ section.
‘We’re Only Human’ is a video for teachers. Young people in Plymouth share their thoughts and stories about mental health. Commissioned by Plymouth Council and produced by young people as part of their ongoing engagement in an emotional health and wellbeing project. Young people have given their permission for the video to be shared as appropriate.
Self harm guidance for schools
For any staff who may have contact with students, at any educational setting, who have self-harmed or are at risk of self-harm. In it you will find information about self harm and its impact, and some practical ways to help you support young people. Read the self-harm guidance for schools in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.
South Gloucestershire Resources
The following two resources are available on request from South Gloucestershire Council Public Health:
- A list of school mental health leads
- A directory of school mental health programmes and interventions
Pease email
Educational Psychology: supports early years’ settings, schools and colleges to meet the needs of children and young people with a wide range of special educational needs and social, emotional and mental health needs –
Health Promotion in Education Settings work programme – See our Core Offer of support for education settings to promote pupil health and wellbeing. The Core Offer also includes details of our new Award programme. Read more on our health promotion in education settings page.
Inclusion support (Integra): specialist advice, professional development and practical solutions to support schools with the teaching of pupils with SEND (£ cost involved) –
Primary school resilience workshops (availability limited) –
Secondary school resilience workshops –
South Gloucestershire school mental health network –
Interchange a free, personal and confidential counselling service available to everyone employed by South Gloucestershire Council. Phone: 0117 983 1465 website:http://intranet/content/CEandCR/Sections/MyHR/Sickness/StaffCousellingLeaflet.pdf
Mental Wellbeing Award: This scheme aims to encourage and support schools to develop a whole school approach to improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of students, staff, parents and carers. It addresses schools’ ethos and environment, mental health support provided to students, teaching and learning around wellbeing, staff development and support to parents and carers. Email for more information.
The Diversity Trust – South Gloucestershire schools support.
National Resources
Toolkit for improving staff wellbeing:
BBC Bitesize Smart Revision Advice –
Jigsaw PSHE: the mindful approach to PSHE, a comprehensive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6 -(£ cost involved)
Measurement and monitoring toolkit:
Media Smart: the advertising literacy programme for 7 to 16 year olds. Creates educational materials for schools and youth organisations, teachers and guardians to help young people think critically about the advertising they come across in their daily lives –
Mentally Healthy Schools brings together quality-assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote children’s mental health and wellbeing. Aims to increase staff awareness, knowledge and confidence to help support pupils.
PSHE Association mental health teaching resources –
PSHE Association, Body image –
PSHE Association, Character education –
Dove body image resources:
Public Health England: Rise Above –
[Archived] Social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) –
Schools in Mind Network:
Talking mental health: animation and teacher toolkit –
Time to Change – and
Training and PSHE networks: via
Samaritans DEAL resources –
YoungMinds The Resilient Classroom –
Bristol Healthy Schools, list of guidance and resources:’
Evidence-based interventions guidebook, including FRIENDS, Nurture Groups, and the Penn Resilience Programme UK:
Child Bereavement UK – information for schools:
Teach – a support and wellbeing space to help teachers through the stress and pressure of the school year