Depression / low mood

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Depression / low mood 2019-09-24T12:22:10+01:00

Sadness is normal and usually happens because something has been difficult, hurtful, challenging, or disappointing.

But when this lasts for more than a couple of weeks and stops you from doing ordinary things, you might need extra support.

Depression affects different people in different ways. The way you feel might include:

Just because you feel some of these it doesn’t mean you have depression. But either way it is really important that you talk to someone. Depression can lead to other problems as well so it’s really important to get help.

It can seem hard to do things when feeling down, but going for a walk, talking to a friend, listening to music, or being creative can really help.

Negative thoughts often buzz around in our minds when we’re feeling low. These can be distressing, but it’s important to remember that thoughts are not facts, and it might be possible to see things more positively.

You can find more information on self-care in the ‘Looking after yourself’ section of this website

  • Childline is a helpline for children to talk about any problems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – call free on 0800 1111 or visit
  • If you are in an emergency and there is a risk to life (yours or someone else’s) call 999
  • To report any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or young person call 01454 866000

There is more information in the ‘Getting help’ section.

Talk to a parent or carer or another adult you trust.

Your school can also help with your wellbeing – just ask a teacher or another member of staff.

Mindfulness information and apps –,

Reading Well; Shelf Help – a list of recommended books to help young people deal with a range of issues, available in all libraries