Concerned about an adult?

01454 868007 ‐ Monday to Friday 9am ‐ 5pm

01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

In an emergency please ring 999

Concerned about a child?

01454 866000 ‐ Monday to Thursday 9am ‐ 5pm

01454 866000 ‐ Friday 9am ‐ 4.30pm

01454 615165 ‐ Out of hours and at weekends

In an emergency please ring 999

Child Exploitation


Jan 2025: This is currently under review

The RMP provides information on the:

  • Multi- agency response to individual young people at risk of all forms of extra familial harm.
  • Multi- agency response to issues of group/organised exploitation.
  • Senior management multi agency oversight of issues and themes for South Gloucestershire.
  • Senior management multi agency oversight of young people at highest risk of extra familial harm.

South Gloucestershire’s Risk Management Pathway Oct 22

Exploitation Identification Tool 

*Partnership Intelligence Management Meetings* (PIMMs)

PIMMs are fortnightly multi agency meetings that are part of the Risk Management Pathway.  The primary aim is to share information and intelligence in order that children at risk of exploitation are identified early, support put in place and disruption opportunities are planned.

PIMM Referral Form

PIMM Referral Form (PDF Version)

PIMM – Terms of Reference October 2023

PIMM Procedural Document – October 2023

Spotting the signs of CSE

This video is aimed at helping health and social care professionals, such as school nurses and community pharmacists, to spot possible signs of child sexual exploitation (CSE) by Health Education England in association with the Department of Health and NHS England.  The video presents a series of scenarios involving a young person potentially at risk of exploitation and uses the voice of a real-life survivor who talks about her own personal experiences of a CSE.

Online Grooming

A film produced by Leicestershire Police to warn children and parents of the dangers of online grooming