ICON: Infant Crying Resources
ICON is about helping people caring for babies cope with crying.
ICON stands for
I Infant crying is normal
C Comforting methods can help
O Its ok to walk away
N Never, ever shake a baby
Research points to persistent crying in babies being a potential trigger for some parents/care givers to lose control and shake a baby. It also shows that around 70% of babies who are shaken are shaken by men. So any prevention programme should include male caregivers and use the best opportunities to reach them as well as support all parents/caregivers with information about crying and how to cope with a crying baby.
In South Gloucestershire, we have had Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews where babies have been harmed as a result of shaking. Part of the learning has been to ensure every practitioner knows about the ICON messages and can offer advice to a parent or carer.